Inside: Easy tips for how to start a mom blog quickly and easily. You will find details on how to get started, what you should write in your posts and and how to earn extra money for your family.
Being a mom is awesome, but do you feel like you would like to express yourself in a way that’s not just about “being mom”?
Blogging has been an outlet for so many moms to allow a bit of creativity and most importantly, some ‘adult time’.
If this sounds like something you might be interested in, then read on to find out how to start a mom blog that’s just right for you. There is adventure in store!
How To Write A Mom Blog That Inspires You
Whatever you choose to write about, it has to be something that inspires you. You can’t inspire other’s, if you are not inspired yourself. Makes sense right?
Maybe you love to cook, undertake crafts, design printable’s, create home decor or maybe its a combination of them all.
Would you love to take all that inspiration one step further and unleash it to the world? It’s really easier than you may think!
What if I told you that you could even make some money whilst you’re doing it. I’m not going to lie. Making a full time income from blogging is A LOT of work, and that might not even be your goal right now.
But, maybe you would just like a bit more income to help with family holidays or treats? Blogging can certainly help you do that.
Don’t keep thinking about it….learn how to start a mom blog today!
I started my blog whilst on maternity leave in 2011. Since that time it has snowballed into having my own etsy shop, an ebook that takes you through all the stages of planning a party and also a dessert recipe ebook.
Let me help you do the same!
Go and grab a coffee, set aside 15 minutes of peace and quiet and let’s get started.
Disclaimer: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (a huge thank you if you do!). I have used all of the products listed below and recommend them because they are companies that I trust. All opinions are my own.
How To Start A Mom Blog In 5 Easy Steps
1. Decide What You Want To Blog About.
This may sound like a silly question, but I’m being serious. What is it that you want your blog to be about?
If you don’t get this right, you might as well forget about blogging before you even start. Narrowing down a niche has a huge impact on whether your blog will be a success or not.
Grab a pen and paper and make some notes on the following;
- What is it that you passionate about?
- What do you love above everything else?
- What will keep you up late at night because you don’t want to leave it unfinished?
Any topic can be successful, but you want this to be something that you love writing about.
If you don’t have a genuine passion for the topic then your blog won’t last the distance. I hate to sound harsh but I want to be honest and I don’t want you wasting your time.
Don’t pick a topic that you think people want to read. Pick a topic that YOU want to write about, over and over again.
You are going to be writing about this topic a lot, so if it’s not one that you love, then you are going to hate blogging – simple!
It could be anything from healthy recipes, to DIY crafts with kids, or how to raise a family on a budget. Only you know what topic is the one that resonates with you.
2. Choose A Blog Name
Once you have decided what you are going to write about, you can get down to the business of actually starting your blog.
When I say domain name, I simply refer to the name of your blog. It is the URL that you see in your top bar. For instance:
This is not as easy as it sounds, so take some time to really think about it.
You need a name that reflects what your site is all about. You also want a name that can be easily remembered so people can keep coming back to you.
If possible, try and use ‘.com’ version of your domain name rather than ‘.net’, ‘.biz’, or a country specific domain like ‘.au’ or ‘’.
A domain name with ‘.com’ is always searched first, so you could end up losing a LOT of traffic by using .net because the .com name has already been taken.
If your first name is taken, choose another one!
It is also wise to avoid dashes ( – ), abbreviations (lol), slang (boyz), and shortened words (pning instead of planning) as that just makes things more complicated than they need to be.
Set Up Your Mom Blog Online
3. Choose a Hosting Company
If you want to know how to start a mom blog the right way, then there are TWO things that you must first get right.
- Web Host
- WordPress
A Web Host is simply the space on the internet where your blog is stored. Think of it as like renting your own little piece of internet real estate that people can access 24 hours a day.
Pretty cool right?
Hostgator is the company that I first used when I started Smart Party Planning, but have as my blog has grown I had to move to a platform that could withstand a higher traffic level. I now use WPX Hosting.
For starting out, you don’t need a fancy hosting company and Hostgator will work perfectly fine for you.
Once you have chosen your name, head to Hostgator and check to see whether your name is available.
Hostgator has some great rates and I have always found their 24 hour live support to be outstanding.
You may be thinking why pay money for hosting a blog when you can do so for free. My advice would be that if you are serious about your blog (even serious about a hobby blog) then paying for your hosting is an absolute MUST.
With plans starting at only $3.95 a month it’s really not worth trying to save the cash. Invest in your blog from the outset and you will be glad you did down the track.
Paying for hosting is one of your first expenses as a blogger, but one of the most worthwhile.
Why choose Hostgator for hosting?
- They offer very reasonable and competitive rates for starter packages.
- They offer 24 hour live chat support
- You will be self hosted, which is essential if you want to earn an income from your blog.
The starter plan is extremely cost effective and running a blog on a WordPress platform will allow you to run ad’s, be part of affiliate networks and direct advertising etc. If you want to make money on Blogger or another free platform, this is incredibly hard.
This brings me to the second point: WordPress.
4: Install WordPress
WordPress is a system that helps maintain your blog. It enables you to upload blog posts, images, recipes, video’s, logo’s etc.
WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) like Blogger and Tumbler, but WordPress is the easiest system to use and one that can be used to earn money. Even if earning money is not your goal right now, it is good to have it available in the future if you wish.
Once you have set up your hosting company you can begin to install WordPress on your site by following these simple steps.
- Enter your control panel (cPanel) and scroll until you find the ‘Fantastico De Luxe’ option. (This may be called something different depending on your hosting provider, but there will be an equivalent).
2. You want to install the WordPress script. Simply click on it and follow the instructions on the screen.
Wahoo….you now have a WordPress blog!
If you need a bit more of a helping hand, I suggest watching this video which will walk you through each of the steps.
5: How To Start A Mom Blog With An Amazing Feel. Install A Theme
So far you have the basics of a blog, but you need to customize this, so that is a good fit for you. The theme of your blog is all about how it LOOKS.
Log into your blog via admin. For example: www.yourblogname/wp-admin
The look of your blog will depend on what theme you have chosen. You can choose from one of the many WordPress theme’s or you can choose to purchase a premium theme.
Genesis Framework with a StudioPress child theme: The framework is your platform and the child theme is what changes the look and feel of your site. Once you have the Genesis Framework installed you can change the child theme as often as you like to suit your needs. I am currently using the Refined child theme from Restored 316 Designs.
Pretty Darn Cute Designs: You can find some gorgeous child theme’s for a mom blog here, and I have previously used the adorable theme (which is no longer available). However the Pretty Chic theme and Modern Blogger Pro would be my picks now.
Elegant Themes: For just one annual fee with Elegant Themes, you have access to 88 different themes so there really is something for everyone here.
Common Questions For How To Start A Mom Blog
What Should I write about?
This really comes down to the choice of niche that you have chosen. You may be talking about being a mom in general, or you may be talking about being a mom of a preschooler.
This will influence your posts and topics, so it is important that you spend time thinking about this.
Spend some time brainstorming some topics and then break those topics down into smaller posts. Do this before you start to publish your posts, so that you have topics to write about in advance. It is always good to have posts written 3-4 weeks ahead of time so that you don’t fall into overwhelm.
How Can I Actually Learn How To Start A Mom Blog?
There is A LOT of information you can access for free around the internet. A couple of my favorite professional bloggers are Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger and Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income.
You can learn a lot of technical stuff from these guys. When I mean technical, I mean technical stuff that allows you to run a blog smoothly, but basic enough that everyone can understand.
If however you feel that you would like a course to follow that will guide you through all the steps of blogging, then I can highly recommend the Start A Blog Bootcamp by Lena Gott. The course curriculum is broken down into easy steps to ensure that your blog starts off on the right foot.
It will help you set up your categories, determine your content and manage your time. It is written for the first time blogger, so is very easy to follow. The course is written by a mom blogger, for more bloggers!
How Can I take Better Pictures For My Blog?
If you have chosen a niche that requires you to take your own photos, for example a food or craft blog, then your photos need to be good. When I say they need to be good, I mean they need to be REALLY GOOD.
You are going to be competing with all the other posts on Pinterest, so if you don’t have good photo’s, you are going to struggle to get the traffic.
Fortunately help is at hand with the Tasty Food Photography eBook.
This book will teach you technical tips, composition tips, styling and so much more. It will help turn your photos from Blah into Brill!
Regardless of whether you are taking photos of food, crafts, DIY crafts, or home made cleaning products, the tips in this book will help you massively.
How To Start A Mom Blog And Make Money
This can often be the number one question for new bloggers. How to start a mom blog but also make money! Yes, you can make money from blogging, but this is not going to happen overnight.
There are a few resources that I recommend you use to help make money from your blogging, including how to use affiliate marketing to your advantage. I discuss all of this and more on my recommendations page.
For more information on services that I reccomend on your blogging journey, check out my recommendations page.
Good luck and most of all enjoy this wonderful journey you are about to embark on.
If you have any questions at all about how to start a mom blog, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at I would love to help you wherever I can.
Let’s do this together!
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