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Two sets of adorable fairy printables for kids. Use these printables for easy party styling and fill the party with magic.
Each printable set also comes with free birthday invitations to ensure the party planning is a breeze from start to finish. These printables are perfect for your little girls next birthday.
Buy The Blue Fairy Party Set NOW
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Don’t you just love the imagination of little kids. They have this ability to think outside the square and to imagine all kinds of possibilities. One of those beautiful imaginary worlds is one that the fairies live in.
Or is it imaginary?
Do fairies really exist?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they did. Little tiny fairies buzzing around our garden, making little homes in the trees and sprinkling magic fairy dust around. Oh, it sounds blissful.
No wonder fairy parties are so popular with the little girls. It’s an imaginary world that is simply delightful. Fairies are pretty, fun and sometimes even a little bit cheeky.
A fairy party is certainly one to be enjoyed and styling for the party is also very easy. Thanks to these fairy printables, that party styling has been made even easier for you.
I have designed two sets of fairy printables. One has the main color of pink and one has the main color of blue. Pick the one that you love the best.
Fairy Party Printable Design Kit
The fairy party printable package contains the following elements.
- Water Bottle Labels
- Cupcake Toppers
- Food Tent Labels
- Candy Bar Wrappers
- FREE Fairy Invitation Template
Each item can be purchased separately OR as an entire fairy printables set. The party invitation is available for free either from the printable library or with any purchase.
Fairy Water Bottle Labels
Oh how I love water bottle labels. I use them at each and every party I hold. They are so valuable for providing an instant pop of color and the kids always get excited to have their themed bottle. If you need help to encourage the kids to drink water, then adding water bottle labels is the perfect trick!
The water bottle labels are available in two designs and have “Happy Birthday” written on them. They are also available with a blank middle for you to write in children’s names if you wish. The choice is entirely up to you.
The labels are available in both the blue and pink design.
Take Me To The Blue Fairy Water Bottle Labels NOW
Take Me To The Pink Water Bottle Labels NOW
These labels are sized 7.5 x 23 cm (approx 3″ x 9″). To add to the water bottles, peel off the existing label, print these onto matte photo paper and attach with some double sided tape.
Fairy Cupcake Toppers
Are you one of those people that always has to have cupcakes at a party? I certainly am!
I love the birthday cake, but I really do like tucking into a cupcake or two. There’s the kid coming out in me!
If you don’t really have the time or the inclination to decorate and theme a cupcake, there is a really easy solution It’s called cupcake toppers!
All you need to do is have some simple butter cream icing on the top of the cupcake and then add your topper. You then have an instant themed cupcake with half the stress.
To use, simply print, cut and add them to cake pop sticks, attaching with a little sticky tape.
Don’t restrict yourself to using them just on cupcakes. You can spread them out all over the food table. They provide instant and super easy party decoration.
Again the cupcake toppers are available in both the blue and the pink fairy printables sets.
Take Me To The Blue Fairy Cupcake Toppers NOW
Take Me To The Pink Fairy Cupcake Toppers NOW
Each cupcake topper is sized 5 cm diameter (approx 2″). Print them onto matte photo paper, and attach with a small piece of tape to a cake pop stick.
Fairy Food Tent Labels
A printable set simply wouldn’t be complete without it containing food labels. They are kind of an essential when it comes to party decor.
I simply love them. Not really sure what to use them for? Here are some ideas.
- Use them to help create some fun food names. For example one label could say “Fairy dust popcorn” for chocolate popcorn. Or “Forrest Berries” for a fruit basket of strawberries etc. How about “Fairy pillows” for mini marshmallows. What ideas can you think of?
- They are fantastic to use if you need to label any dietary requirements. Simply write on if something is gluten or dairy free, so that parents are aware what they are giving the kids, so everyone walks away happy.
Once again the labels are available in both the blue and the pink sets.
Take Me To The Blue Fairy Food Labels NOW
Take Me To The Pink Fairy Food Labels NOW
Each label is sized 10 x 5 cm when folded (Approx 4″ x 2″). It is easy to print off the labels and write in the descriptions immediately, or if you are a last minute kind of mom, then write the descriptions as you set up the party.
Sometimes that is when the best inspiration comes!
Fairy Candy Bar Wrappers
Of course we can’t forget the candy bar wrappers in this fairy printables set. They are a great item to have at parties, especially if you wish to use them as party favors.
Which ones do you prefer. The pink or the blue?
Take Me To The Blue Fairy Candy Wrappers NOW
Each wrapper is designed to fit a standard size Hershey bar, which is sized 13.5 cm x 13 cm (Approx 5.3″ x 5″).
FREE Fairy Birthday Invitations
A new thing that I am adding to all of my printable sets now is party invitations. But you don’t have to have the entire set to obtain them. They are available a number of ways.
You could download your copy from the free printable library or they are available with every single item. For example, you just want the water bottle labels? Not a problem, you receive the water bottle labels and the fairy invitation. Just want the cupcake toppers? You receive the cupcake toppers and the fairy invitation. I think you get the idea.
These fairy printables will help you decorate for a birthday party that will make your little girls eyes pop.
Simply choose between the two colors, print and start decorating. Enjoy your fairy party!
Buy The Pink Fairy Party Set NOW
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